GCC E Mall is a platform that connects consumers with local businesses in various categories, including shopping, services, restaurants, bars, and more. Local businesses can request a free corporate profile page to increase their online visibility, brand awareness, and foot traffic to their physical location, leading to potential sales growth.
To add your business to GCC E Mall, you can create a rent free corporate profile page by providing details about your business in the form provided on the GCC E Mall website. Once you have submitted the information, it will be reviewed by moderators and your business page will be visible on the platform after approval. With the free plan, you can showcase your business and connect with potential customers in the GCC market. You can upgrade to a paid plan later if needed. It's important to note that GCC E Mall currently only accepts GCC businesses on its platform.
The Free GCC E Mall account is valid for one year, and after that, you can choose to upgrade to a different plan .You can switch between plans at any time, and the payment will be adjusted accordingly. Being listed on GCC E Mall is crucial because 70% of local searches result in in-store visits or phone calls to book services or place orders.
There is a one-time setup fee of US$200 to ensure that your submission will be reviewed by an editor and our team to set up your company’s details in the proper section of the mall with the correct key words for your business to appear correctly, when consumers are searching. to set up your business Dashboard where you can upload and update your business Profile Page and edit your business details anytime you wish. You can also upload all your promotions and set up your Analytics Dashboard to get free tools you need to analyze data for your business. The idea is that your business page on the GCC E-Mail to be a destination for anyone and everyone to discover more information on your company. .And the objective is to create visibility that stimulates your company's targeted traffic. simplify and track your data and KPIs, and see your most important analytics.
The cost to upgrade to a paid plan on GCC E Mall is $199 per month for the Premium Plan. This plan includes additional benefits such as client management/support and access to marketing tools like push notifications and a weekly newsletter to inform customers about special offers and promotions. The reporting solution also allows businesses to gain insights into their customers and their behaviors.
Keywords are important for businesses because they represent the products, services, and brands that potential customers search for when looking for relevant businesses. By including relevant keywords in your business profile, you increase the chances of your business appearing in search results when people search for those keywords. It is recommended to create an initial list of keywords and select specific ones that target specific customer demographics for maximum effectiveness.
The data is hosted through a cloud infrastructure provided by Microsoft Services, which offers resilience, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and efficiencies. The platform is capable of supporting up to 1 million transactions per second. However, without further information, it cannot be determined if there are additional security measures in place to protect user data.
We accept wire transfer, major international credit cards, including Visa and MasterCard, as payment methods for our paid plans, as well as bank transfers
The customer segment of GCC E Mall includes residents, tourists, and individuals relocating to a new city. The company aims to provide these individuals with trusted content on various aspects of the city, such as cinemas, property, jobs, pre-owned cars, plumbers, and more, to help them enjoy the city and live happily.
As an online mall connecting consumers with local businesses, GCC E Mall provides the convenience of browsing thousands of online stores in one place, eliminating the need for tedious searching and typing. This allows consumers to easily discover and access the products and services they need, saving them time and effort.
We can help businesses to increase their online presence and attract more customers by providing a platform for businesses to showcase their products and services to a wider audience. Our platform also allows businesses to easily update their information, promotions, and other important details. Additionally, we provide businesses with access to valuable analytics and reporting tools to help them better understand their customers and make data-driven decisions to improve their business. In short we provide every business maximum exposure and high degree of visibility amount a large number of people.
That sounds like a great opportunity for businesses looking to expand their reach and increase their online visibility. With the GCC E Mall platform, businesses can showcase their products and brand to a large audience, and take advantage of tools to help promote their store and increase sales. And with the ability to sell across different locations and borders, businesses can remove geographical limitations and tap into new markets.